Baseman Design Associates and Base Press Featured in Pixels

September, 2017

“WOW!” That’s about all’s I can say is: “WOW!” To wake up and see your name on the hugely popular blog, “The Daily Heller”—well, it hardly gets better than that. For those in the know, the Daily Heller needs no explanation; to those not in the know, Steven Heller is the most prolific author and critic within the Graphic Design industry. He writes a daily blog post, and the readership has gotta be through the roof. Obviously, we were thrilled that he covered the launch of Base Press; and many, many sincere thanks to Steven, for his interest in our work.

We also were fortunate to receive some more ink/pixels as we were recently featured on the Graphic Design USA website regarding the Penn State exhibition. Shout out to Gordon Kaye and the nice folks at GD USA.


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